Venomancer is an AGI support/ganker with a vicious early game. His primary slow, Venomous Gale, can land an easy first blood if coordinated properly. He is currently a top pick in the competitive scene due to his versatility and unrivaled lane control. He is pretty item independent but typically does better with a few items. As a Venomancer you want to play aggressively throughout the game as you will become less useful in the late game. The most common skill build is:

1. Venomous Gale
2. Poison Sting
3. Plague Ward
4. Plague Ward
5. Plague Ward
6. Ult
7. Plague Ward
8. Poison Sting
9. Poison Sting
10. Poison Sting
11. Ult
12+ Venomous Gale

Use your Poison Sting to harass enemies early on and Gale if you see an opportunity to grab a kill. It is basically the best skill at level 1 and should be abused. Plague Ward is your primary skill since it helps you push, defend, farm, and most importantly, gain vision. Drop as many of them as mana allows. Common item choices include:

Tranquil Boots/Phase/Treads
Ring of Aquila
Shadow Blade
Drum of Endurance
Pipe of Insight

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