Bounty Hunter is an AGI Carry/Ganker who excels in racking up gold for your team through his ultimate. In professional games he is often played in the suicide lane (long lane) since he can use his invis to soak up experience and cause the supports to buy sentry wards and dust. I believe that BH should be played in the 2 or 3 role as he is not a great primary carry compared to other heroes. Once you reach lvl 6 you should be spamming your ultimate on every hero possible, especially invis heroes such as Riki. Skill build:

1. Invis or Jinada -If you're up against a tough lane grab invis first, otherwise take Jinada for the improved last hits
2. Invis/Jinada - Whichever you didn't grab at lvl 1
3. Shuriken Toss
4. Shuriken Toss
5. Jinada
6. Ult
7. Jinada
8. Jinada
9. Invis
10. Invis
11. Ult
12. Invis
13. Shuriken Toss
14. Shuriken Toss
15. Stats
16. Ult

Toss is left at level two since the damage gained from leveling up is mediocre and BH does not have the mana to support it early on. Jinada is great for harassing and farming, and only 1 level of invis is needed early on. Once you reach level 6 you want to stop farming and start ganking as this is where most of your gold will come from. Your ultimate not only provides bonus gold for you, but for your teammates as well. Keep in mind you can use Toss to stop TP's and any other channeling spell. My preferred item build is:

Phase Boots
Drum of Endurance
Black King Bar or Desolator - Depending on your opponents, how the game is going, etc.
Manta/MKB - Again depending on the game

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