Lich is an INT support hero, most commonly known for being the most recommended for beginners. He is simple to play and never really a bad pick, especially in public games where support heroes are usually lacking. In order to play Lich well you need to: make sure you're not taking farm away from your carry, harass the enemy with your nuke, buy the chicken/wards, and buy any other support items necessary. The most common skill build is:

1. Dark Ritual (Deny a ranged creep as soon as it spawns)
2. Frost Nova
3. Frost Nova
4. Dark Ritual
5. Frost Nova
6. Ultimate
7. Frost Nova
8. Dark Ritual
9. Dark Ritual or Frost Armor (If you're not having any mana problems then take Armor)
10. Frost Armor
11. Ultimate
12. Frost Armor
13. Frost Armor
14. Frost Armor
15. Stats
16. Ultimate

Common items for Lich include:

Tranquil Boots/Power Treads
Pipe of Insight

Lich does not really need any items other than boots and maybe some cheap stat items like a bracer. He is very farm independent and should use most of his gold on wards and a Mek if no one else on the team is making one. Also, his ult breaks channeling on the first hit, so feel free to use it if you need to stop an important enemy from TPing or an Enigma ultimate.

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