Dragon Knight is a STR carry who is hard to bring down and has good pushing potential. He is pretty straightforward to play compared to other heroes. He can be played in practically any lane but the safe lane or middle are usually preferred. The skill build that is used the majority of time is:

1. Dragon Tail
2. Breathe Fire
3. Breathe Fire
4. Dragon Blood
5. Breathe Fire
6. Ult
7. Breathe Fire
8-11. Dragon Blood

His stun at level 1 is 2.5 seconds, so there isn't much of a need to level this up early on. If you are in a difficult lane to farm in then consider maxing Dragon Blood first. Breathe Fire is maxed first as it's his nuke and farming skill. Try and kill 1-2 creeps along with harassing the enemy if possible with this skill. Also, it is interesting to note that his lvl 2 ultimate is often skipped, as the lvl 1 version provides better pushing power. Common items on DK include:

Drum of Endurance
Bottle (If mid)
Power Treads (Core)
Soul Ring/Urn
Helm of the Dominator
Black King Bar (Core)
Assault Cuirass

Overall, a good hero for beginners who want to learn how to play carries. Just make sure you're prioritizing farming and pushing and not ganking. Dragon Knight needs levels and a few core items before he can make a big impact.

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