Ogre Magi is an INT melee hero with a huge STR gain. He has a very basic skillset; a stun, a slow, a buff, and a boost to his stun via his ultimate. He is hard to bring down with his big HP pool but suffers from being melee and for having a poor mana pool. He is a great hero for beginners as he is very straight-forward to play. The most common skillbuild is:

1. Fireball
2. Ignite (I actually like getting 1 point in stats here instead)
3. Fireball
4. Ignite
5. Fireball
6. Ult
7. Fireball
8. Ignite
9. Ignite
10. Bloodlust
11. Ult
12+ max bloodlust, ult at 16

You want to prioritize your fireball as it boosts the damage and stun duration. You can also use it to get last hits at lower levels if you need some farm. Common item choices include:

Arcane Boots/Tranquil Boots
Bottle/Soul Ring
Force Staff
Orb of Venom
Eul's Scepter
Sheep Stick

Make sure you are constantly ganking and keeping wards up as much as possible. You don't need any items beside some basic mana regen like bottle or soul ring. Try out Tranquil Boots + Soul Ring as well, it is a very good combo.

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