Enigma is an INT support/initiator as well as the fastest jungler in the game. He is also often sent to solo the long lane in competitive games since he can last hit with his eidolons as well as deny experience. As an enigma there are two common builds, the first:

1. Demonic Conversion
2. Malefice
3. Demonic Conversion
4. Malefice
5. Demonic Conversion
6. Ult
7. Demonic Conversion

This build allows you to push and farm faster, but you will not be contributing much in ganks. The other build is the same except that you get Malefice maxed at lvl 7 and keep conversions at lvl 2. With this build you farm a little less but can help out lanes a lot more. Make sure to use your ult as much as possible, there is nothing wrong with using it on 1 person if it is an important kill. Using it on a solo Crystal Maiden however with 150hp is NOT a good use for it. It is also important to try and take towers quickly as he is also an excellent pusher. The most common items built on Enigma are:

Soul Ring
Power Treads/Tranquil Boots
Blink Dagger
Black King Bar

Enigma has a very low hp pool so you need to be careful when initiating ganks. If no one else is buying a Mek then Soul Ring -> Mek -> Blink is a very good item transition.

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