Skeleton King is a STR carry that is ideal for beginner and novice players. His only active skill is a targeted stun that is impossible to miss/fail. The hero is very straightforward to play, you want to prioritize farm and take whatever kills come your way. Make sure you do not go ganking as SK is not a ganker and needs farm to be useful in the later stages of the game. Skill build:

1. Hellfire Blast
2. Stats
3. Hellfire Blast
4. Stats
5. Hellfire Blast
6. Ult
7. Hellfire Blast

Max Critical Strike next taking ult whenever necessary and maybe 1 level of Aura if you feel you need it before. Common item choices:

Hand of Midas
Power Treads
Assault Cuirass
Black King Bar

at 7:29 PM Posted by Unknown 0 Comments

Shadow Fiend is an AGI carry best known as a glass-cannon powerhouse who farms incredibly fast. He is an intermediate-advanced level hero and should NOT be taken by beginners. If you want to practice with him feel free to fire up practice mode and thoroughly learn the placement of all his skills. With his recent buffs in 6.75 he should see a lot more playing time in competitive games. The only Shadow Fiend skill build you should use is:

1. Necromastery
2. Raze
3. Raze
4. Necromastery
5. Raze
6. Necromastery
7. Raze
8. Necromastery
9. Ult

Max your passive after and take ult whenever available. Use two shadowrazes in quick succession to farm creep waves quickly. Try and position your ultimate on top of as many heroes as possible for maximum damage output and effectiveness. You need to go mid as Shadow Fiend, take as many runes as possible and maximize your farm. Only gank if you get a good rune and think you can land a kill. For items there are a few options depending on your playstyle. Many people like Power Treads/BKB/Dagger, there are also others such as myself who prefer Phase/Drum/BKB. Shadow Blade is also a good choice if you are doing well and there isn't a counter such as Bounty or Slardar. Your core item will always be BKB. General item choices:

Power Treads/Phase/Travels (only good if you can farm it quickly or as a late game pickup)
Shadow Blade
Black King Bar
Manta Style
Monkey King Bar
Eye of Skadi

Ogre Magi is an INT melee hero with a huge STR gain. He has a very basic skillset; a stun, a slow, a buff, and a boost to his stun via his ultimate. He is hard to bring down with his big HP pool but suffers from being melee and for having a poor mana pool. He is a great hero for beginners as he is very straight-forward to play. The most common skillbuild is:

1. Fireball
2. Ignite (I actually like getting 1 point in stats here instead)
3. Fireball
4. Ignite
5. Fireball
6. Ult
7. Fireball
8. Ignite
9. Ignite
10. Bloodlust
11. Ult
12+ max bloodlust, ult at 16

You want to prioritize your fireball as it boosts the damage and stun duration. You can also use it to get last hits at lower levels if you need some farm. Common item choices include:

Arcane Boots/Tranquil Boots
Bottle/Soul Ring
Force Staff
Orb of Venom
Eul's Scepter
Sheep Stick

Make sure you are constantly ganking and keeping wards up as much as possible. You don't need any items beside some basic mana regen like bottle or soul ring. Try out Tranquil Boots + Soul Ring as well, it is a very good combo.

Enigma is an INT support/initiator as well as the fastest jungler in the game. He is also often sent to solo the long lane in competitive games since he can last hit with his eidolons as well as deny experience. As an enigma there are two common builds, the first:

1. Demonic Conversion
2. Malefice
3. Demonic Conversion
4. Malefice
5. Demonic Conversion
6. Ult
7. Demonic Conversion

This build allows you to push and farm faster, but you will not be contributing much in ganks. The other build is the same except that you get Malefice maxed at lvl 7 and keep conversions at lvl 2. With this build you farm a little less but can help out lanes a lot more. Make sure to use your ult as much as possible, there is nothing wrong with using it on 1 person if it is an important kill. Using it on a solo Crystal Maiden however with 150hp is NOT a good use for it. It is also important to try and take towers quickly as he is also an excellent pusher. The most common items built on Enigma are:

Soul Ring
Power Treads/Tranquil Boots
Blink Dagger
Black King Bar

Enigma has a very low hp pool so you need to be careful when initiating ganks. If no one else is buying a Mek then Soul Ring -> Mek -> Blink is a very good item transition.