Centaur Warchief is a strength based tank/initiator and even semi-carry at times. His high STR gain makes him very tanky even without items. Coupled with his passive, return, and he is a force to be recokned with. He also farms at a decent rate and scales nicely into the late game. His skill build should be:
1. Stomp/Return (Get return if there's two ranged harassing you early, or stomp if you might get a kill)
2. Stomp/Return
3. Double Edge
4. Double Edge
5. Double Edge
6. Ult
7. Double Edge
8. Stomp
9. Stomp
10. Stomp
11. Ult
12+ Return
Double edge is maxed first since it's a 400 damage nuke at level 4. It's your main killing tool and farming tool. Also note that the skill has no mana cost, only a health cost, so be careful when casting it. It is also non-lethal, so you can't suicide with it. Stomp is maxed after since it's your primary disable.
Recommended items on Centaur include:
Tranquil/Phase boots
Blink (I personally don't feel its necessary with your ult)
Blade Mail
Shiva's Guard
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