6.79 has officially been released for DotA 2 and is now on the main client. Some of the main changes include

-Changes to jungling & stacking/pulling
-Changes to offlane
-Spirit Breaker nerf
-Batrider nef
-Alchemist nerf
-Axe buff
-Bloodseeker buff

Here is the link for the full list of changes:


Drow ranger is an AGI carry who mainly relies on her auto attacks to do damage.She is very straightforward to play and is often a good choice for begginers. Although she has a strong early game due to her high damage and strong slow, you have to remember that drow is a carry and must be farming the majority of the time, not ganking. Her skill build is:

1. Frost arrows
2. Precision Aura
3. Silence
4. Precision Aura
5. Precision Aura
6. Ult
7. Precision Aura
8. Frost arrows
9. Frost arrows
10. Frost arrows
11. Ult

One point in frost arrows is all that's needed for early game harass. One point in silence in case you need it to survive or to land a kill on someone like a QoP or AM. Aura is maxed first for the global damage and lane control. With this and one point in frost arrows you can easily farm, deny, and harass your lane opponent. Her item build consists of:

Tranquil Boots/Power Treads
Shadow Blade
Manta Style
Ring of aquila
Helm of the Dominator
Monkey King Bar
Black King Bar (

You typically wanna aim to get some kind of survivability first via shadow blade or manta. Don't forget to use your pushing power to quickly mow down towers.

Icefrog has released the 6.77 changelog and it includes some big changes. There is the expected Drow Ranger, Centaur, and Magnus nerf, as well as a Treant buff like I predicted. Another one of the big changes is Bounty Hunter's track no longer reduces armor. Sven and TA were also nerfed, but mostly only minor changes. Other than that the rest of the changes are only minor buffs or tweaks. You can find the full changelog below:


IceFrog has confirmed that 6.77 will likely come before Christmas, according to posts he made on the PlayDota forums. He also confirms there will be no heroes and instead it will just be a balance patch. Drow nerfs and treant buffs are probably expected.

Source: http://www.playdota.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1196343

at 12:38 AM Posted by Unknown 0 Comments

Spirit breaker is a STR ganker/carry. He excels at catching opponents off guard and in 1v1 situations. He is pretty straight-forward to play and doesn't require too much micromanaging. His skill build should typically be:

1. Charge/Empowering Haste
2. Charge/Empowering Haste
3. Bash
4. Charge
5. Charge
6. Ult
7. Charge
8. Bash
9. Bash
10. Bash
11. Ult
12+ Haste

Recommended items include:
Power treads or Tranquil if you're having a tough time in lane
Mask of Madness
Drum of Endurance
Urn of Shadows
Black King Bar
Assault Cuirass
Monkey King Bar

Also try shadow blade as it's quite funny in pubs and effective. While charging you can use both shadow blade and mask of madness. You'll hit your enemy for large damage and he won't see if coming with any wards.

Centaur Warchief is a strength based tank/initiator and even semi-carry at times. His high STR gain makes him very tanky even without items. Coupled with his passive, return, and he is a force to be recokned with. He also farms at a decent rate and scales nicely into the late game. His skill build should be:

1. Stomp/Return (Get return if there's two ranged harassing you early, or stomp if you might get a kill)
2. Stomp/Return
3. Double Edge
4. Double Edge
5. Double Edge
6. Ult
7. Double Edge
8. Stomp
9. Stomp
10. Stomp
11. Ult
12+ Return

Double edge is maxed first since it's a 400 damage nuke at level 4. It's your main killing tool and farming tool. Also note that the skill has no mana cost, only a health cost, so be careful when casting it. It is also non-lethal, so you can't suicide with it. Stomp is maxed after since it's your primary disable.

Recommended items on Centaur include:

Tranquil/Phase boots
Blink (I personally don't feel its necessary with your ult)
Blade Mail
Shiva's Guard

Dota 2 Resource is back after a period of downtime. We are ready to get back on track and continue with new updates and guides every day. Stay tuned!